Massandra Palace

December 03, 2017

The Massandra Palace rises at the slopes of a mountain ridge, in a secluded place, surrounded by a park and forest. A three-story building with many decorative exterior details is crowned by a pyramidal roof covered with scaly slate, and unusually decorated high chimneys, giving the building an aspiration to the sky. On the balconies and terraces of the palace, in the park there are decorative vases and sculptures depicting Greek gods, sphinxes, chimeras, satyrs. Massandra Palace of Alexander III is unusually beautiful and elegant.
The interior layout of the royal palace is distinguished by the simplicity of forms, where convenience and comfort outweigh the external signs of greatness: small-sized rooms, low ceilings, fireplaces, tiles. The truth in the decoration of some rooms is the royal luxury, although not as sumptuous as in the official residences, where the carved wooden panels and the modeling of the ceiling underscore their belonging to the higher world of aritocracy. Massandra Palace - one of the most interesting monuments of architecture of the XIX century, it was built in the style of French castles of the Renaissance, not only the interior decoration impresses with its splendor, but the upper Massandra park occupying 6 hectares attracts attention. The park and the composition of the palace create a unique palace and park ensemble.

Массандровский дворец. Его строительство началось в 1881 году. Заказчиком был князь Семён Михайлович Воронцов, но 1882 году строительство остановилось в связи со смертью князя. В 1889 году это место куплено Александром III. В 1902 году дворец был достроен.  После смерти Александра III дворец перешёл к Николаю II, но времени он тут проводил мало. Его излюбленным местом был Ливадийский дворец. В советское время здесь располагался санаторий для больных туберкулёзом, затем здесь был институт виноградарства. Позже это место стало дачей для правительства СССР.  В 1992 году здесь был открыт музей. #массандровскийдворец#дворец#массандра#александрIII#николайII#памятникархитектуры#ялта#крым#путешествие#massandrapalace#palace#massandra#aleksandrIII#nikolaiII#architecturalmonument#yalta#crimea#travel
Публикация от Виктор Лихолет (@rich.vl)
The Massandra Palace was started in 1881 by order of the successor to the governor, Prince SM Vorontsov, he wanted to build a small palace in the middle of the park created by the famous gardener Kebakh, so he chose for construction a place full of picturesque rocks, grottoes and springs. But the dream did not come true, a year after the construction of Prince Vorontsov died. At that time, the palace was built according to the project of the French architect ME Bushard, but eight years later, the Massandra estate of the Vorontsovs together with the unfinished palace was bought for the emperor Alexander III. In 1892, the construction of the palace was designed by Professor M.E. Mesmakher (1842-1906), was completed. But Alexander did not have to live in it, because literally two years later (in 1894) he died here in the Crimea in the Small Livadia Palace. 1889, when Massandra was acquired by the department. From 1892 to 1900, under the project of Professor ME Mesmacher, the construction of the palace ensemble continued with the introduction of many changes in the decor of the facade, expressed in the modernist style, interior and layout of the park.

Обязательно посмотрите все эти фотографии, очень красивые😍 ... На следующий день мы начали наше путешествие по Крыму. (Кто ещё не в курсе, сюда я приехала с семьёй.) Итак, первая остановка - 🔸Массандровский дворец Александра III🔸. Правда, сам император-миротворец в этом дворце так и не побывал. Достраивал дворец уже его сын Николай II. Самое что удивительное - царская семья останавливалась в нем всего несколько раз и не оставалась ночевать (только в Ливадийском) , кровать даже не ставили. Если описывать одним словом внутреннее убранство дворца, то им станет "дерево" - именно деревянной резьбой в каждой комнате больше всего гордятся в этом музее. Но больше всего мне понравился именно внешний вид дворца и его окрестности. И, честно говоря, ожидала я от Массандровского дворца немного большего. Листайте, чтобы увидеть больше👉 В следующем посте расскажу о Воронцовском дворце, который просто поразил моё сердце 😍💘
Публикация от Даречка💕 (@krispy.milka)
Since June 1, 1992, the Massandra Palace exists as a museum, (Massandra Palace-Museum of Alexander III - a branch of the Alupkinsky State Palace and Park Reserve.) On the first and second floors of the building there is an exposition of the palace interior of the second half of the XIX century, created on the basis of the Alupka Palace- museum. The halls of the third floor are occupied by stationary exhibitions. How to find, get. Independently in the Massandra Palace you can get from the bus station of Yalta on trolleybuses No. 52 and No. 53. Directions to the stop "Upper Massandra". Exit to the road north of the main road and follow the signs to the Massandra Palace. To get there by car is convenient from Alushta-Yalta (M-18), Massandra village according to the sign: "Massandra Palace". From the route arrival to "Yalta-Intourist" and from it a little higher - the road to the Massandra Palace. GPS coordinates: N 44 ° 31.030, E 34 ° 12.150 The museum address is: 98650, town of Mussandra, ul. Embankment, 2 (check in from Simferopolskoe highway, 9). Mode of operation of the Massandra Palace until September 1: Cash desks - from 9.00 to 18.15 The main exposition »Alexander III's Massandra Palace» from 9.00 to 19.00 without days off Exhibition "How we lived ... Ideals of the past" from 9.00 to 19.00. Days off: Tuesday, Wednesday "Architecture, sculpture, flora of the Massandra Palace" excursions are held at 12.00, 14.00, 16.00 (if there are 15 people in the group), without days off The mode of work of the Massandra Palace from September 1 to 30: Cash desks - from 9.00 to 17.15 The main exposition "Massandra Palace of Alexander III" from 9.00 to 18.00. Day off: Monday Exhibition "How we lived ... Ideals of the past" from 9.00 to 18.00. Days off: Tuesday, Wednesday "Architecture, sculpture, flora of the Massandra Palace" excursions are held at 12.00, 14.00, 16.00 (if there are 15 people in the group), without days off

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