Nudist coast - Fox bight - Crimea Travel Guide

Nudist coast - Fox bight

December 21, 2017

Fox Bay or "Liska" is 5 kilometers of solid bare bodies. Yes, the most famous nudist and naturist beach in Crimea. And as an annual gathering of hippies and informal.
In a few words, you can characterize this place like this: sex, hippies,  nudism, savagery. On the stones at the approach to the bay, it is written with the paint "leave the clothes of everyone coming in here" and "I love the clean earth". Here, to the second inscription, you just need to listen, because there is a lot of garbage in the "Lisk" at the end of the season. Because of this factor, the title "the best bay of the Crimea" is gradually moving away from this place. Take the garbage with you!

Rest here usually long - tens of days, and even months. And, you know, there is something in this, when in a week you already know half of the local Aborigines.
That part of the bay where you can drive up by car is called "Jackal" and is considered a "local" place for "majors". The main narrow part of the beach strip is called "Jamaica", and areas with shops and shalms - "Goa" and "Piccadilly".

Beach in Fox Bay

The beach strip is not very wide, the cover is large gray sand. But it's not easy to enter the water-there are cobbles in the coastal strip under the water.
In Lisk dressed you can walk, but not necessarily
On the coast, the Echki-Dag Ridge (from the Crimean Tatar - "Kozya Gora") comes from one of the highest peaks in the vicinity - "Kara-Oba" (670 meters).
In addition, from the peculiarities of the Fox Bay, one can note its lack of development: in the vicinity there are no buildings, only tents, which every year becomes more and more. Roads are only unpaved and there are not many of them. And to find a free place for a tent in the "peak" of the season is quite difficult.

How to relax in Liska?

The place is "wild", we take with us everything necessary for living in nature: a tent, foam, sleeping bag, awning, dishes. Do not forget the musical instruments. But you can leave your clothes at home :)
Water can be typed in a spring on a mountain or in a cafe nearby.
In the summer, several portable shops and cafes operate on the coast. Prices are certainly higher than in the city, but bearable. This area is called "Piccadilly" or "Shalmans". It is not customary to go naked here. There is also a pair of paid toilets.
This bay is called a paradise for informal and rastamanov with drums and fire-shows, which are very often arranged here in the evenings. There is always a warm and friendly atmosphere.
Many people on the Internet are interested in "nude" subjects and such requests as "fox bay photo and video" and "liska photos of girls" are quite popular, but there are not many photos to be found. In the "Lisk" to visitors with a camera are cautious and do not like to be photographed. Take this moment.

Accommodation near the bay

Are you going to rest among these colorful characters, but want comfort? A good option to rent a house in the nearest village is Kurortnoye, to which you can walk unhurriedly along the hills 2-3 km. Housing in the village is cheap and there is plenty to choose from.

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