Cape Chameleon - a disappearing landmark of Crimea - Crimea Travel Guide

Cape Chameleon - a disappearing landmark of Crimea

April 29, 2021


The Crimean peninsula is one of the most beautiful places on earth, someone tried to create fantastic landscapes here: mountain ranges and valleys, wild bays and endless strips of beaches. Travelers often call Cape Chameleon in Koktebel one of the strangest creations.

The small town attracts connoisseurs of beauty, people keen on high literature and adoring extraordinary landscapes. The exotic nature of the region at one time inspired Maximilian Voloshin to create lyric poems and delicate watercolor landscapes. Even today she is capable of surprising even those who absolutely do not believe in miracles. An interesting miraculous miracle that Koktebel introduces is Cape Chameleon, but it is not located in the village itself, but a couple of kilometers from the city limits. The easiest way to get there is by car or taxi.

An amazing phenomenon takes place right in front of vacationers: even if they know what the secret is, they cannot refrain from enthusiastic screams, trying to capture it in a photo, video, in memory. The ridge changes its color throughout the year, during the day, at the appearance of a certain shade Photos of tourists on the cape are influenced by the weather and its important assistants - the sun, clouds, clouds, wind.

Experts provide a scientific basis for the phenomenon, according to the results of research reflected in the materials and in the photo, Cape Chameleon in Koktebel is a special rock. It is composed of clay shales, one of their important characteristics is the ability to reflect light. Depending on the angle at which the sun's rays fall on the layers, whether cloudiness interferes with them or not, the shade of the rock at a given second depends.

The cape has a more realistic name among the Crimean Tatars - Toprakh-Kaya, the translation sounds more than prosaic - "Clay Rock". What this education is made of, the Tatars knew several centuries ago. Unfortunately, clay is not at all friendly with water, so the sea ruthlessly advances, eroding the rock and carrying it into its depths.

Disappearing landmark of Koktebel

Historians claim that on old maps a piece of sushi looked much more "plump", it was wider, taller and longer. Constant erosion due to rain, sea and winds has led to the fact that now only Cape Chameleon has collapsed a narrow tongue stretched out into the sea. Once upon a time, tourists walked freely along the ridge, admiring the play of flowers up close. Today, such hikes are considered very dangerous: a strong wind is blowing at the top and there is a threat of a collapse.

The most recent sad news came from here in May 2016. According to information from news sites in Crimea, another part of the ridge collapsed, scientists talk about a hundred cubic meters of rock that went into the sea.

Experts say that this is an ordinary phenomenon, as the equilibrium profile of the cape is maintained. But there is a children's tale about two bears leveling a piece of cheese until not a crumb was left of it. And although the process of destruction of the rock is significantly extended in time, people still worry about the outgoing beauty, especially since a person is unable to stop this process or at least slow it down.

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