Sudak, Noviy Svet - Crimea Travel Guide

Sudak, Noviy Svet

July 25, 2019

Everyone who comes to Sudak at least once is amazed by the beauty of these places and the unusualness surrounding themselves with juniper groves, the picturesque grottoes - Shalyapinsky and Skoznoy, and those of mountain walks should visit the Golitsyn trail.
Taxis in the Crimea will take you to the beaches of the Noviy Svet, and to any attractions in Sudak, which are numerous in Sudak. Our taxi will offer you the lowest prices for taxis in the Crimea, and we will take you from Simferopol Airport to Sudak or Novy Svet - your choice.
Top 10 + 1 attractions in Sudak, Crimea are required to visit if you come for the first time:

1 Genoese fortress
The supporting fortress built by the Genoese as a stronghold - in the XIV – XV centuries. In total, there are several such fortresses in the Crimea, but the Genoese fortress is best preserved to this day.
Due to the location, over the cliffs - it was impregnable for the enemy. Today, the city walls have become decorations for historical reconstructions, festivals and other cultural events.

2 Waterpark Sudak - the joy of children

If you come with your children to rest in the Crimea, then you should go to Sudak's Waterpark. This is a real paradise - Entertainment complex of 2 hectares with the best water attractions

3 Dolphin Nemo
Dolphinarium in Sudak is included in the network of marine complexes "Nemo", located in several coastal cities of Russia and Ukraine. In addition to the performances that take place with the bottlenose dolphins and sea lions, the institution also offers dolphin therapy services for children with various diseases, as well as swimming and photographing with these amazing animals.

4 Cypress Alley
Probably there is not a single city in the Crimea where they do not grow, and Cypresses are typical representatives of the Mediterranean flora. They also grow on the Black Sea coast of the Caucasus and in the Crimea. In Sudak, too, has its own grove, which is a local landmark. City cypress avenue leads to the waterfront, along with cafes and attractions.

5 Lutheran Church

The Lutheran church was built in 1887 by German immigrants who arrived in Sudak at the invitation of Catherine II. Geographically, the landmark is located in the western part of the city in the former village of Cozy.
In the Soviet era, the building had a cinema and a club. Today there is an exhibition gallery inside, but, despite the civil purpose of the building, sometimes the services of the Baptist community are held here.
6 Wineries "Sunny Valley" and "Sudak"
Crimea is famous for its wines. On the peninsula there are factories of several manufacturers of this drink, each of which produces its own brands. In the vicinity of Sudak are "Sunny Valley" and "Sudak". Tourists will be interested to visit the tasting halls of factories to try different varieties and buy a bottle or two as a keepsake or as a gift.
7 River boat "Prince Bagration"
A unique sample of pre-revolutionary shipbuilding, which was built around 1912. Motor ships of similar design were put into operation only 11 pieces. Until 1991, he walked along the Volga, then used in Feodosia as a floating restaurant. Since 1994, the vessel is located on Cape Meganom. At the moment, the ship is abandoned, although several years ago it was planned to organize a hotel.
8 Festival "Genoa Helmet"
Holiday knightly art, which takes place on the territory of the Genoese fortress. The festival is going to reenactors and lovers of the Middle Ages. The program of the event includes knightly battles, staged storms and battles, craft fair, master classes, performances of musical groups. Representatives from different countries gather at the “Genoese Helmet”.
9 Mount Falcon
In the Turkic dialect, the name of the mountain sounds like “Kush-kaya”, which means “Bird-rock”. Apparently, the ancestors of the Crimeans saw in her appearance a figure ready to go flying a falcon. It is not even a mountain, but a rocky hill - its height is about 500 meters, its length is more than 1200 meters. Pedestrian paths and more challenging routes for climbers lead here. From the top there is a magnificent view of the sea, the quaintly rugged coast, Sudak and the New World.

10 Cape Alchak
The cape is located east of Sudak, and there is a walking trail that starts in the city. The height of the rock is just over 150 meters. This place is considered one of the most beautiful in the vicinity, so many tourists want to get here to admire the stunning panorama of the coast and take memorable photos. Since 1988, Cape Alchak declared a protected area.

11 Cape Meganom
The cape is located between Sudak and Theodosia, it is the extremity of the peninsula of the same name. Surprisingly, no settlements have ever appeared within it. The ancient Greeks believed that this is where the Styx River flows, along which the soul flows away into the underworld. At the end of the 19th century, a lighthouse was erected on the cape, which became a life-saving landmark for ships. The lighthouse performs its functions in our days.

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